MSCS SH LFH Class Hours

  • Grade 10 classes start from 08:00-14:30 on Monday and 08:00-13:45 on Tuesday to Friday
  • Grade 11 classes start from 08:00-14:30 on Monday and 08:00-13:45 on Tuesday to Friday
  • Grade 12 classes start from 08:00-14:30 on Monday and 08:00-13:45 on Tuesday to Friday

MSCS SH LFH Dress Code

Wear school uniform in proper manner- clean and neat.

Grade 10–12 students, they MUST wear white uniforms every Monday - Thursday and school appropriate free clothes on Friday.

Student Attendance

Students MUST be present and be PUNCTUAL in the online learning process from the beginning (Morning Devotion) to the end of learning (Dismissal Time). In addition, students are also required to be present online in every meeting and school programs that exist. Learning media uses Zoom / Google Meet and also Google Classroom.


Students must have logged in and prepared a laptop, internet network, learning materials needed 5 minutes beforehand. Students who arrive late MUST report to the Grade Mentor by sending a photo of a letter signed by parents so they can be allowed to take part in the study. Tardiness/Absence of students for 2 periods (2 x 45 minutes) without notice will be recorded as “alpha” on that day. And if there is an assessment on that day, then the student will lose the existing assessment rights


1. Tardiness during Morning Devotion (MD)

Morning Devotion must be followed by all students because it is an important part of the learning process and is inseparable from the existing lessons’ schedule. When students do not join MD, these students will be counted late and students will be allowed to join after getting the approval from their respective Grade Mentor.

2. Tardiness during the Learning Process

a. If a student is not late in the morning and suddenly arrived late in the middle of the learning hours, student is considered to be present and is considered late in the subject.

b. If a student is not present in one of the subjects, student is not permitted to take an assessment or a make-up assessment if there is an assessment. Students are also asked to write a summary of the subject matter that they missed at the time (based on material shared in Google Classroom, textbooks, or material delivered by the teacher in Zoom) which is then photographed and sent to the subject teacher’s email and cc to the Grade Mentor.

3. Absence during the Dismissal Time

Students MUST follow the dismissal because there will be some information that will be delivered by the Grade Mentor at the dismissal time. If the students are absent during the dismissal, the students are asked to make a letter explaining why the students do not attend the dismissal and asking for the parents’ signature, then sending it to the Grade Mentor. If no letter is known by parents, students are not permitted to attend the following day's learning.

In case there is an unexpected circumstance which causes the student to be absent on an effective learning day or during other mandatory school activities, the student must submit a letter of notification from parents and doctor’s note (if sick) that explains the reason for being absent.

Excused / Permitted Absense

Permission not to attend the school that is sudden or when the day/week of effective learning (according to the school academic calendar) can be given to students if:
  • Getting sick with proof of a parent’s letter or doctor’s letter.
  • Attending family events (weddings, grief in the nuclear family of children/ parents).
  • Seeing a doctor who cannot be scheduled outside of school hours.
  • Getting Involved with legal issues.
  • Extreme weather, natural disasters, and so on.
  • Security threats (public unrest, mass demonstrations, local threats and so on).
  • Met and accident.
  • Joining student exchange programs, retreats, and community programs.
  • Participating in competitions or competitions representing the school.
For each of the absences above (except representing the school), must be accompanied by a statement letter from parents and evidence (if any) to the Grade Mentor on D-day and no later than 3 days after D-day if the permission is sudden.

Asking Permission During LFH

The permission letter is written/typed by parents neatly, accompanied by a parent’s signature on a paper and sent in pdf/jpg/doc files to the email of each Grade Mentor or to [email protected]

Rules & Regulation During LFH

  • Attendance will be checked on each of the learning subjects, including Morning Devotion, Class Meeting, and Dismissal Time which are the important series of learning during LFH.
  • Students must be present on time according to the schedule listed on the LFH Class Schedule.
  • Student absence will affect the TO scores and the Behavior Management Policy.
  • If the students are unable to attend, the camera/video is not turned on, there are internet disturbances caused by bad signals, problematic gadgets, quotas or other obstacles, students can ask parents to write permission and send an email / LINE and a photo as the proof of the obstacle to each of the Grade Mentor.
  • Building a positive routine by trying to follow the LFH learning schedule both self-study and guided learning provided.
  • Mutual respect for one another should be practiced especially in this current difficult and unpleasant situation.
  • When Learning from Home, especially during the virtual face-to-face learning process, you must wear polite and neat clothes (not pajamas, or sleeveless clothes).
  • Use written language/non written language with Indonesian/English/Chinese/Japanese/German that is standard and polite in accordance with the agreed language policy in every subject.
  • Use an appropriate, polite, and constructive choice of words when communicating both verbally and written, both to the teachers and fellow friends, in-class communication forums, and in private conversations during school hours.
  • Students MUST turn on the video (camera on) while learning and use the personal names of each student in the Google Classroom / Zoom ID display and do not make it a joke. If the students want to go to the toilet or do urgent matters, students can ask permission from the Subject Teacher to turn off the video and turn it on when they are finished.
  • The teacher has the right to mute the students when an online face-to-face session takes place and sets the rules on how to respond to questions during online learning.
  • No eating during learning, especially when having online learning. Except on teacher’s acknowledgement / if it is an intended learning activity at the time.
  • Putting other people’s concerns ahead of personal concern.
  • Prepare complete learning equipment, including books, stationery, internet quota needed to attend online learning.
  • Follow the instructions given by the teachers well.
  • Students are encouraged to respond to each question given during the learning process in an agreed manner e.g. raising hands.
  • Submit the assignments on time and not hesitate to ask questions if you have difficulties.
  • Students do not share Zoom ID meetings / Google Classroom code with other students outside their class and who are not interested.
  • The School email is used only for learning purposes, and not for personal interests outside the school’s interests.
  • Do not do plagiarism in submitting assignments.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the materials, identity, or personal matters provided during LFH by not using it for other purposes outside of the student’s LFH learning.
  • Do not discuss personal matters or other’s problems in verbal and written communication forums outside the context of learning.
  • Be sensitive to your peers, if there are friends who have difficulty in learning, have the initiative to remind them in a positive way.
  • Take responsibility and carry out group work assignments properly, and keep doing your personal work responsibilities maximally, in accordance with the specified learning rubrics.

Assessment System

The assessment system at MS Senior High is based on the nature of each subject area. With students’ needs and abilities in mind, we take into account spiritual aspects and attitudes, cognitive competence, all practice skills, and the psychomotor development of students.

The following are the types of assessments in MS Senior High:
  • Assignment
  • Practical Test
  • Mid Semester Test
  • Quiz
  • Performance Test
  • End of Semester Test
  • Project
  • Teacher Observation

Criteria of Promotion to Next Grade Level

The Grade Promotion Criteria are based on those listed on the main page in the Senior High Student Handbook, on page 18.

Report On Learning Results

The evaluation of a student’s learning on report cards is made based on the individual’s achievement. It records in details the students’ knowledge, understanding, and skills measured by a scoring scheme and includes comments from teachers and grade mentors.

During the LFH, students’ academic achievement reports will be emailed to the parents in every mid-semester and end semester. In the mid-semester, the report card distribution will be held online, this online meeting must be attended by the parents and the students concerned (students MUST wear white and gray uniforms), whereas the end-semester repot will be distributed directly to the students


The school is the parent's partner in educating the children. Parents know each of their sons/daughters better than the school, therefore, we believe that every parent of MSCS students will always support MSCS teachers and staff and any programs that have been set.

Line Of Communication

Line of communication during LFH period is as follows:

From MSCS to parents
Email [email protected]
Notice board
WA Departmental SENIOR HIGH 081553024000

From MSCS to students
Google Classroom (stream)
Zoom /google meet
Email [email protected]
Email Teachers (CT/ST/GM)
Line group/personal

From Parents to MSCS
Email [email protected]
WA Departmental SENIOR HIGH 081553024000
Email Teachers (Subject Teachers/Grade Mentors)
Line GM (Monday-Friday pk 09.00-13.00)

SH Contact

-LINE ID Grade Mentor Gr. 10 (Ms. Endah) : endah_win
-LINE ID Grade Mentor Gr. 11 (Mr. Bing) : servantbing
-LINE ID Grade Mentor Gr. 12 (Mr. Daniel) : dkris20